Friday, October 14, 2011

Counting Down

Batman: Arkham Asylum is in my opinion one of the greatest iterations of Batman. It takes the source materials seriously and the gameplay is fun and challenging. Other Batman iterations I put in that list are The Dark Knight (film), Batman: TAS (cartoon), and The Long Halloween (comic). Now, on the 18th, game developer Rocksteady is prepared to release the highly anticipated sequel, Batman: Arkham City. I look forward to not only being able to play as Batman, but also Robin and Catwoman, and eventually Nightwing (even if it's only in challenge maps. So expect some kind of review on Tuesday or the days following. Check out the final trailer:

And yes... that is Bane fighting WITH Batman. Cannot wait.

On the topic of counting down, over at Bleeding Cool, Rich Johnston and his team have been covering the recent exploits of real-life superhero, Phoenix Jones. Here's the basics: Phoenix was arrested for assault, but video evidence proved he was attempting to break up a street fight. If you want more details, check it out here and here. The most recent update in this saga, Phoenix Jones has revealed his identity to the public and invited people to patrol the streets of Seattle with him. So what does this all have to do with counting down? Well, Phoenix was already working with Rainn Wilson on a reality show (as revealed in a surprise visit to the Nerdist podcast), but this story could turn into something big. Time will tell... and I am waiting.

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